
March 20, 2025

Here are some of the words you might have come across and a plain English explanation of what they mean. Testamentary capacity To have the ability to make a valid Will or to amend an existing Will – you have Read more...

December 26, 2024

1. Will storage We are frequently asked if we hold a Will or other papers on behalf of a named deceased person. This arises because it is not known whether a particular person made a Will or even if they Read more...

December 21, 2023

Crafting a Will at home, often termed a DIY or homemade Will, can be fraught with pitfalls. Homemade Wills can range from a simple handwritten note to Will kits, many of which are based on English law which may differ Read more...

May 31, 2023

The rise of the digital age has seen most of us maintain some form of an online presence. Yet, in Scotland, many individuals have still to consider the destiny of their digital assets upon their passing. The inclusion of digital Read more...

April 20, 2023

April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to focus on understanding and managing stress in our lives. Planning for the future is an essential aspect of stress management and two crucial legal documents that can help are a Will and Read more...

January 3, 2023

Your Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Directives. Now is the perfect opportunity for you to ensure that your affairs are put in order.

December 20, 2022

Consider what would happen to your estate if you died today and make sure you have an up to date Will. Review your Will every few years or when your circumstances change, such as marriage, death or divorce. Take control Read more...

October 12, 2020

If you have been appointed as an executor of a Will in Scotland, the duties may be unknown to you.  Dealing with the winding up of a deceased person’s estate can be stressful.  This article seeks to tell you what Read more...

September 29, 2020

How to make a valid Will in Scotland It must be made voluntarily by someone of sound mind, without pressure from anyone The Will should be in writing, either typewritten or handwritten It should be signed on each page by Read more...