Stress Awareness Month: How Wills and Powers of Attorney Can Help

April 20, 2023 by QLAdmin

April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to focus on understanding and managing stress in our lives. Planning for the future is an essential aspect of stress management and two crucial legal documents that can help are a Will and a Power of Attorney.

Creating a Will

A Will is a legal document outlining how you want your assets and belongings distributed after your death. Having a Will can reduce stress and uncertainty for your loved ones during a difficult time. By clearly stating your wishes in a legally binding document, you can ensure your assets are distributed according to your preferences, and you can appoint guardians for minor children if necessary. Writing a Will allows you to control your estate planning and provide for your loved ones according to your values, alleviating stress and offering peace of mind. It is recommended to seek professional legal advice when creating your Will to ensure it is legally valid and tailored to your individual needs. Quill Legal Wills Solicitors in Edinburgh would be happy to assist you. Please call Kay on 0131 564 1044 or email

Granting a Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is another essential legal document that can help reduce stress. It gives legal authority to a trusted person to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for yourself, either temporarily or permanently. By granting a Power of Attorney, you can ensure that someone you trust will make decisions about your financial, legal and healthcare matters on your behalf, reducing stress and uncertainty during challenging times. It is wise to seek professional legal advice when granting a Power of Attorney to ensure it is legally valid and tailored to your individual needs. Quill Legal Power of Attorney Solicitors in Edinburgh would be happy to assist you. Please call Kay on 0131 564 1044 or email


Writing a Will and granting a Power of Attorney can help reduce stress by enabling you to plan for the future and ensuring your wishes are carried out. These documents provide peace of mind, knowing your affairs are in order and your loved ones will be taken care of. Seeking professional legal advice is recommended to ensure your documents are valid and accommodate your individual needs.

Kay Blaikie

Principal of the Firm

Get in touch with me when you need reliable legal advice on any aspect of Executries, Wills, Powers of Attorney and Notarial services.

Telephone: 0131 564 1044